
A Guide to Managing Multilingual Projects with TextUnited

TextUnited offers you the ability to manage multilingual projects seamlessly through its API. This functionality enables developers to automate and control the translation processes of their software, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.

What Does a Multilingual Project Mean?

A multilingual project in TextUnited encompasses the entire lifecycle of translating and localizing software components. It begins with creating a project, defining segments (individual units of text), and assigning tasks (Assignments given to translators for specific segments) to translators. Through the API, you can monitor progress, add comments, and update projects dynamically.

Getting Started

To begin managing multilingual projects with TextUnited's API, you need to authenticate by obtaining your API credentials (Company ID and API key) from your TextUnited account dashboard. These credentials are essential for authenticating your requests to the API. Follow the steps here.

Authentication Methods

TextUnited supports two primary methods for authenticating API requests:

Basic Authentication

Basic Authentication is a simple authentication scheme built into the HTTP protocol. It involves sending a username and password with each request. For TextUnited, this typically means including your Company ID as the username and your API key as the password in the Authorization header of your HTTP requests.


Authorization: Basic \<Base64 encoded 'CompanyID:APIKey'>



Ensure that your credentials are Base64 encoded when using them in the Authorization header.

Bearer JWT Authentication

Bearer JWT (JSON Web Tokens) Authentication is a more secure method that uses tokens instead of directly sending credentials with each request. After obtaining an access token from TextUnited, you include it in the Authorization header of your requests.


Authorization: Bearer <YourAccessJWTToken>

Obtaining an Access Token

  1. Make a POST request to the TextUnited authentication endpoint using your username (the email address used to create your TextUnited account) and password (set during account creation).
  2. The response will contain a JWT token, which you then use for subsequent requests.


  "AccessToken": "<your_access_token>",
  "RefreshToken": "<your_refresh_token>"

Security Considerations

  • Always use HTTPS for all communications between your application and TextUnited's servers to protect your credentials and tokens from being intercepted.
  • Store your API credentials securely and do not expose them in client-side code or version control systems.

Review API Endpoints

After setting up authentication, familiarize yourself with the various API endpoints available for managing multilingual projects. Each endpoint has specific requirements and functions, such as creating a project, updating translations, or fetching status updates. Refer to the detailed documentation for each endpoint to understand its purpose, required parameters, and expected responses.

By following these steps and adhering to best practices for security, you'll be well-equipped to start integrating TextUnited's API into your applications effectively.

Now, you can proceed to learn about the various methods available to you to manage your multilingual projects:

Project Initialization

Create new multilingual projects within TextUnited.

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Project Configuration and Updates

Make changes to existing projects.

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Project Listing

Retrieve a list of all current multilingual projects.

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Project Detail Retrieval

Fetch detailed information about a specific project.

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Tracking Translation Progress

Monitor the translation progress of your projects within TextUnited

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Project Deletion

Delete or archive completed or unnecessary projects.

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Collaboration and Communication

Learn to add comments to projects, enhancing team interaction and project management.

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