This endpoint initializes a new multilingual project in TextUnited. For a detailed guide on initializing your project, including how to configure it according to your needs, refer to the Project Initialization guide.



Ensure that your request includes the necessary headers. To test the request directly on the platform:

  1. Navigate to the HEADERS section below the Request Body section.
  2. Enter the values for the fields in your Request Body section below.
  3. Click the "Try It!" button at the top-right of your screen to initiate the request and view your response.


Sample Request and Response

To see a sample request and response, click the "EXAMPLES" dropdown at the top-right of your screen.



The targetLanguages and segments arrays in the Request Body include sub-objects with specific properties. Please review these details carefully when preparing your API requests.

Request Body

The request should include the following parameters. Enter your values in the input field(s) below for testing:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!