This endpoint enables users to delete a project within TextUnited by using a custom ID. For comprehensive instructions on deleting projects by custom IDs, including how to handle deletions safely, refer to the Delete Multilingual Project by Custom ID guide.



To delete a project by its custom ID, ensure that your request includes the necessary headers. Then, proceed to test the request directly on the platform:

  1. Navigate to the HEADERS section below.
  2. Configure the path parameter:
    • Locate the input field designated for the customId parameter in the "Path Parameter" section.
    • Enter the custom ID (customId) of the project you wish to delete in this input field.
  3. Optionally, if you need to filter the deletion by task, specify the taskId in the corresponding input field located in the "QUERY PARAMS" section.
  4. Execute the test directly on the platform by clicking the "Try It!" button at the top-right of your screen to initiate the request and view your response.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!